Post by ×××¨× ××ס××××Now, here is the new code I've made (with a basic kmalloc, without free because I don't need it for now). The same bug happens. Any other ideas?
BTW, I've checked all of the or expressions and all of the allocPage() outputs, they're as intended.
#define PDT_SIZE 1024
#define KERNEL_START 0x1000 // a constant in my linker code
#define PAGE_SIZE 0x1000
#define KERNEL_SIZE 3 // the size of the kernel code is 10KB for now (I've checked it), so I gave it 3 pages * 4KB = 12KB
PTEntry* kernelPTAddr = 0;
uint32_t firstFree = 0;
uint32_t allocPage() {
if (firstFree == 0)
firstFree = KERNEL_END;
firstFree += PAGE_SIZE;
return firstFree - PAGE_SIZE;
void initPDT() {
PDEntry* table = allocPage();
kernelPTAddr = allocPage();
// Here it was with the struct of PD earlier, but I've realized it doesn't work correctly, it doesn't take into account the size of P*Entry, so I'm using pointers now.
*table = READWRITE | PRESENT | (uint32_t)kernelPTAddr;
for (int i = 1; i <= KERNEL_SIZE; i++) {
*(kernelPTAddr+i*sizeof(PTEntry)) = PRESENT | READWRITE | DIRTY | KERNEL_START + (i-1)*PAGE_SIZE;
// last entry points to the PDT itself
*(table+(PDT_SIZE-1)*sizeof(PDEntry)) = READWRITE | PRESENT | (uint32_t)table;
irqInstallHandler(14, pagefault);
void startVirtualMode(uint32_t address); // the same as before.
// typedefs (it's in the .h file, the order of the definitions in this mail is for comfort purposes)
typedef enum {
USER = 4,
CACHE = 16,
DIRTY = 64 // this is specifically in PTEntry and not in PDEntry
// you may have noticed i don't mention some other flags, such as PageSize, Global, PageAttributeTable
// I didn't because we don't need them
} PageFlags;
typedef uint32_t PDEntry;
typedef uint32_t PTEntry;
Here's some working code that starts in real mode and
ends in long mode with paging enabled setting up enough state to
call a C++ function. This should give you an idea of the steps
// Boot Component
// This module implements the second-stage boot. This code is physically
// located 512 bytes into the image loaded by the PXE code (the image is
// constructed by boot/build.c). This part of the PXE image is
// loaded at address 0x90000 (576kB) and the rest is loaded at address
// 0x10000 (64kB). Using this loading mechanism, the image may be no more
// than 512 kB in size.
// After the syslinux PXE loader loads the first 64k of the image at
// address 0x90000, it will jump, in 16-bit real-mode, to the address
// 0x90200. The image as built by boot/build.c will contain a 512-byte
// Master Boot Record (which is unused by the PXE boot protocol, but provided
// for compatability with alternate boot methods) followed immediately by
// the code below.
// This code will ensure that the data segment register correctly
// points to the same region as the code register. If an additional
// 512 bytes are needed, an alternate segment register can be loaded
// with the address of the mbr (0x90000) and used for scratch storage.
// The code will then perform any needed real-mode initialization steps,
// turn on protected mode, paging and long mode, then branch to a
// 32-bit code segment with an identity mapping of all physical memory.
// Written:
// 2004-December-21 Scott Lurndal
// Modified:
// 2006-October-27 Scott Lurndal
// Separated platform level initialization from processor initialization
SS_CODE64=0x10 # GDT Segment Selector for 64 bit code segment
SS_CODE32=0x18 # GDT Segment Selector for 32 bit code segment
SS_DATA=0x20 # GDT Segment Selector for data segment
PE_BIT=0x1 # Protected Mode Enable bit in CR0
PG_BIT=0x80000000 # Paging Mode Enable bit in CR0
PAE_BIT=0x00000020 # Physical address Extensions enable in CR4
PG_FLAGS=0x7 # Supervisor/ReadWrite/Present Flags for Paging
LME_BIT=0x100 # Long Mode Enable Bit in EFER
.code16 # Generate code for 16-bit real mode
.global start
jmp continue
// Following the initial 16-bit jump instruction is a header which is filled
// in by the PXE netboot code (syslinux package).
.ascii "HdrS" # Header signature
.word 0x0203 # Header version #
.long 0 # boot loader hook
.long 0 # start_syst (kernel version string)
.byte 0 # Type of loader
.byte 1 # Load high.
.word 0x8000 # Setup move size
.long 0x100000 # 32-bit code start address
.long 0 # Address of loaded ramdisk (DVMM: Configfile)
.long 0 # Ramdisk size in bytes
.word 0
.word 0
.word message+1024 # Heap end pointer (end of second-sector-boot)
.word 0 # pad
.long 0 # Command line pointer
.long 0xefffffff # Highest safe address for initrd
call next
.org 0x1fe
.word 0xaa55 # Signature looked for by first stage boot
#end of header
movw %cs, %ax # Get CS (Should be 0x9020)
movw %ax, %ds # Set DS (Set to 0x9020)
pushw $0 # Clear flags
testw $1,ap_start # BSP or AP?
jnz 1f # AP, skip platform initialization
call initbsp # Do platform initialization
call loaddt32 # load 32-bit descriptor tables
call relocate_pt # Relocate page tables
call enable_protectedmode # Enable protected mode
hlt # Halt the CPU
jmp 9b # stay halted
call getmemsize
call initvideo
movl $0xec00, %eax
movl $0x2, %ebx
int $0x15 # Configure BIOS for long mode
call enableA20
movb $0x80, %al # Set to disable NMI
outb %al, $0x70 # Disable NMI
xorw %ax, %ax
outb %al, $0xf0 # Not used on modern systems (math coproc)
call iodelay
outb %al, $0xf1 # Not used on modern systems (math coproc)
call iodelay
movb $0xff, %al # Mask all interrupts
outb %al, $0xA1 # program the PIC
call iodelay
movb $0xfb, %al # Mask all but IRQ2 cascade
outb %al, $0x21 # program the second PIC
call initdt32 # Setup 32-bit descriptor tables
# Save first 16 bytes of IVT and clear
xorw %ax, %ax # Clear
movw %ax, %es # Setup %ES to point at the IVT
movl %es:0x0, %eax
movl %eax, %es:0x200
movl %es:0x4, %eax
movl %eax, %es:0x204
movl %es:0x8, %eax
movl %eax, %es:0x208
movl %es:0xc, %eax
movl %eax, %es:0x20c
xorl %eax, %eax
movl %eax, %es:0x0
movl %eax, %es:0x4
movl %eax, %es:0x8 # Set percpu_cpunum to zero
movl %eax, %es:0xc # ...
# Relocate the identity mapped page tables to low memory starting at
# address 0xa000. These page tables will be used only until the 64-bit
# C++ code establishes the real page tables.
orw $PG_FLAGS, identitypdp # Set the flags in the PDP entry
orw $PG_FLAGS, identitypml4 # Set the flags in the PML4 entry
orw $PG_FLAGS, identitypml4e2 # Same, but for the 2nd PML4 entry.
orw $PG_FLAGS, percpupdp # Same, for per-cpu pdp
orw $PG_FLAGS, percpupml4 # Same, for per-cpu pml4
lea identitydir, %si # Set the source address
movl $0xa00, %eax # Page Tables segment 0xa00 (addr = 0xa000)
movw %ax, %es
movw $PAGE_TABLE_ADDR, %di # Set the destination address
lea identitypml4e2 , %cx
addw $0x8, %cx
subw %si, %cx # Get the length of the page table.
shr $1, %cx # Get the number of words to be copied.
rep movsw # Shift page tables to page table segment
# re-base the page tables at 0xa000
shl $4, %ax # Convert segment to physical address
addw %ax, %es:identitypdp-identitydir
addw %ax, %es:identitypml4-identitydir
addw %ax, %es:identitypml4e2-identitydir
addw %ax, %es:percpupdp-identitydir
addw %ax, %es:percpupml4-identitydir
lidt idtdesc32 # load 32-bit IDT
data32 lgdt gdtdesc32 # load 32-bit GDT
lea noe820msg, %si
call print
call delay
call delay
jmp 1b
.string "No E820 Support in BIOS!\n"
# One E820 Map entry. Instead of using INT $15 to read directly
# into our E820 map buffer, we'll read into this map entry. We do
# this because some broken BIOS will only update portions of the
# buffer expecting the prior contents in the remainder.
.quad 0 # Base address
.quad 0 # Size, in bytes
.long 0 # Type field
movw %ds, %ax # segment for mapentry
movw %ax, %es # Use it for int15
lea mapentry, %di # And this buffer
movw $0x9000, %ax # Segment for map buffer
movw %ax, %fs # load seg register
xorl %esi, %esi # Clear offset in map buffer
xorl %ebx, %ebx # Continuation counter
movl memsize, %ecx # Remaining size
cmpl $20, %ecx # Enough left?
jl 2f # No, done.
movl $0x0000e820, %eax # Phoenix BIOS GET SYSTEM MEMORY MAP
movl $SMAP, %edx # string 'SMAP'
movl $20, %ecx
int $0x15 # Call bios
jc noe820 # No E820 - we don't support older bios!
cmpl $SMAP, %eax # Correct return value?
jne noe820 # No E820 - we don't support older bios!
movl %es:(%di), %eax # Get base low
movl %eax, %fs:(%si) # Store in buffer
movl %es:4(%di), %eax # Get base high
movl %eax, %fs:4(%si) # Store in buffer
movl %es:8(%di), %eax # Get size low
movl %eax, %fs:8(%si) # Store in buffer
movl %es:12(%di), %eax # Get size high
movl %eax, %fs:12(%si) # Store it
movl %es:16(%di), %eax # Get type
movl %eax, %fs:16(%si) # Store it
movw %si, %ax # Get buffer offset
addw $20, %ax # Bump to next entry
movw %ax, %si # Restore buffer offset
subl $20, memsize # Decrement by amount used
cmpl $0, %ebx # done yet?
jne 1b # Nope, get next chunk
call testA20 # Check if a20 is enabled
jnz 1f # Yes, done.
movw 0x2401,%ax # Enable A20 gate
int $0x15 # Call the BIOS
call testA20 # Check again,
jnz 1f # yes, done.
call flush_keyboard # Flush keyboard controller
movb $0xD1, %al # Command Write
outb %al, $0x64 # send to register
call flush_keyboard # Flush keyboard controller
movb $0xDF, %al # A20 On
outb %al, $0x60 # send to register
call flush_keyboard # Flush keyboard controller
# Some chips/motherboards also require enabling A20 via port 0x92.
# This needs to be done before checking if A20 is enabled.
inb $0x92, %al # Get current state
orb $0x02, %al # Set Fast A20 bit
andb $0xfe, %al # Clear reset bit, just in case
outb %al, $0x92 # Enable fast A20
call testA20 # Check if a20 is enabled
jnz 1f
lea noa20msg, %si # Load message
call print # and print it.
pushw %cx # Save caller's register
pushw %ax # Save caller's register
xorw %cx, %cx # Set %cx = 0
movw %cx, %fs # Load %FS = 0000
decw %cx # Set %cx = FFFF
movw %cx, %gs # Load %GS = FFFF
movw $0x4000, %cx # Loop 16K times as A20 enable can take a while
movw %fs:(A20ADDR), %ax # Fetch word at address 0x200
pushw %ax # Save it for later restore
incw %ax # Bump it
movw %ax, %fs:(A20ADDR) # Store it back at 0x200
call iodelay # Wait one.
cmpw %gs:(A20ADDR+0x10), %ax # See if it appears at 0x100200
loope 1b # Issue the compare 16K times
# ZF = 1 if the same value appears at both
# ZF = 0 if different values at both
popw %fs:(A20ADDR) # Restore original value
popw %ax # Restore caller's register
popw %cx # Restore caller's register
pushl %ecx # Save caller's reg
movl $100000, %ecx # Set maximum loop count for broken hdw
decl %ecx # Count an interation
jz 3f # Exhausted interation count, bail.
call iodelay
inb $0x64, %al # Read 8042 status port
testb $1, %al # Is there data at port 60 for system?
jz 2f # No.
call iodelay
inb $0x60, %al # Read and discard byte
jmp 1b
testb $2, %al # System data still pending?
jnz 1b # yes, loop
popl %ecx
xorl %eax, %eax # Clear register
movw %cs, %ax # Fetch CS
shll $4, %eax # Flatten it out
movl %eax, %ebx # Save it
addl $gdt, %eax # relative to gdt
movl %eax, (gdtdesc32+2) # Set address and
movl $idt32, %eax # Get base of IDT
movl $20, %ecx # Number of entries to munge
# Set the IDT32 entries in proper format
1: addr32 movw 2(,%eax,1), %dx # Copy high word
addr32 movw %dx, 6(,%eax,1) # Copy high word
addr32 movw $SS_CODE32, 2(,%eax,1) # Set code segment selector
addl $8, %eax # Bump to next entry
decw %cx # Down by one
testw $0xffff,%cx # Is it zero yet?
jnz 1b # No, loop around
movl %ebx, %eax # Retrieve segment base address
addl $idt32, %eax # relative to idt
movl %eax, (idtdesc32+2) # Set address and
movl %ebx, cs_realmode # Save the flattened CS base address
enable_protectedmode: /* Do we need to set up the stack segment here ? */
movl %cr0, %eax # Get CR0
orl $PE_BIT, %eax # Enable 32 bit protected mode
movl %eax, %cr0 # Set CR0
# Set the base address in the 32 bit code descriptor of the GDT to
# cs_realmode. We can then specify enable_longmode as the
# operand of the far jmp directly without having to account for
# cs_realmode at runtime.
movl cs_realmode, %eax # Get CS pointer
movl $gdt, %ebx # Get GDT base
addr32 movw $0xFFFF, SS_CODE32(,%ebx,1) # 4GB Code segment limit
addr32 movl %eax, SS_CODE32+2(,%ebx,1) # Code segment base
addr32 orw $0x9A00, SS_CODE32+4(,%ebx,1) # Code descriptor flags
addr32 movw $0xCF, SS_CODE32+6(,%ebx,1) # Code descriptor flags
# Do the same for the 32 bit data descriptor in the GDT
addr32 movw $0xFFFF, SS_DATA(,%ebx,1) # 4GB Data segment limit
addr32 movl %eax, SS_DATA+2(,%ebx,1) # Data segment base
addr32 orw $0x9200, SS_DATA+4(,%ebx,1) # Data descriptor flags
addr32 movw $0xCF, SS_DATA+6(,%ebx,1) # Data descriptor flags
# A far jump is needed to actually activate the protected mode
# jmp enable_longmode,[SS_CODE32] (Invoke address using GDT entry #4)
.byte 0x66 # code32 override
.byte 0xea # jmpi instruction
.long enable_longmode # Address to invoke
.word SS_CODE32 # GDT[2]
outb %al,$0x80
/* Print a null-terminated string. Address in si. */
lodsb #
andb %al, %al
jz 2f
xorb %bh, %bh # Display page 0
movw $1, %cx # Print one time
movb $0x7, %bl # Text attribute
movb $0x0e, %ah # BIOS TTY
# char in %al
int $0x10 # Display character
jmp print
delayreload: .long 0x8000000 # 2 billion+
/* Delay for slightly over one second. Assumes 2.4ghz clock */
movl delayreload, %eax
decl %eax
jg 1b
incl %eax
jg 2b
/* Print a word */
/* Value to print is in %ax. Pointer to label in %si */
pushw %dx # Save DX
movw %ax,%dx # Copy PC
call print
lea regstring, %si
call print
movw %dx,%ax # Reload AX
andw $0xf000,%ax # Mask high digit
shrw $12,%ax # Shift
call putdigit # Print digit
movw %dx,%ax
andw $0x0f00,%ax
shrw $8,%ax
call putdigit
movw %dx,%ax
andw $0x00f0,%ax
shrw $4,%ax
call putdigit
movw %dx,%ax
andw $0x000f,%ax
call putdigit
lea crlf, %si
call print
popw %dx
lea digitlist,%si
addw %ax,%si
movb (%si),%al
movw $1, %cx # Repeat only once
movw $0x0007,%bx # Page # and Attribute
movb $0x0e,%ah # Function WRITE TTY
int $0x10 # Video call
.ascii "0123456789ABCDEF"
.string "Welcome to the 3Leaf Networks DVMM.....\r\n"
.string "Unable to enable gate A20!\r\n"
.string " value is: 0x"
.string "\r\n"
.global enable_longmode
movl $SS_DATA, %eax
movl %eax, %ds
movl %eax, %es
movl %eax, %fs
movl %eax, %gs
# Set up the protected mode stack pointer
lss stack_segdesc, %esp # Load SS:ESP
movl cs_realmode, %eax # Get CS address
# Set up cr3 with PML4 base before paging is enabled
leal identitypml4, %eax # Get PML4 base address
subl $identitydir, %eax
addl $0xa000, %eax # Bump to real base
movl %eax, %cr3
movl %cr4, %eax # Get CR4
orl $PAE_BIT, %eax # Set PAE for long mode
movl %eax, %cr4 # Set CR4
# Enable long mode
movl $0xC0000080, %ecx # EFER address
rdmsr # Read EFER Register into EAX
orl $LME_BIT, %eax # Enable long mode
wrmsr # Set EFER
# Enable paging to activate long mode
movl %cr0, %eax # Get CR0
mov $0x80050033,%eax
movl %eax, %cr0 # Set CR0
jmp 1f # Clear pipeline
movl memsize, %eax # Amount of e820 buf space remaining
movzwl ap_start, %ebx # BSP or AP flag
movl cs_realmode, %esi # Real-mode base address
# Here, we are still in the compatibility
# mode.A far jump is needed to actually activate the 64bit mode.
# jmp 0x10000,[SS_CODE64] (Invoke address using GDT entry #2)
.byte 0xea # jmpi instruction
.long DVMM_START # Address to invoke, dvmmstart is based at DVMM_START
.word SS_CODE64 # GDT[2]
lea bummer, %si
call print
9: hlt
jmp 9b
.string "Fell through jump to C++ code - halting\r\n"
.long 512 # Number of bytes available for E820 memory map
cs_realmode: # Save the CS value in real mode.
.long 0x0 # for offset calculations in protected mode.
# Global Descriptor Table
# The GDT has one reserved entry (0), but this code was written with
# the belief that there are two reserved entries. No reason to fix that
# now, since setup64.S just creates its own GDT anyway.
# Entry 2 is a flat 4GB view for 32-bit code access. Entry 3 is
# a flat 4GB view for 32-bit data access.
# The same GDT can be used in the both the 32 bit mode as well as the 64
# bit mode, except that the code segment descriptor in the long mode has
# the Long mode bit set.
.align 16
.long 0, 0 # Entry 0 (NULL segment descriptor)
.long 0, 0 # Entry 1 (reserved)
.long 0x0000ffff, 0x00AF9A00 # 0-4Gb Code read/exec compat mode
.long 0x0000ffff, 0x00CF9A00 # 0-4Gb Code read/exec 32-bit
# (Segment Base modified at run time.)
.long 0x0000ffff, 0x00CF9200 # 0-4Gb Data read/write 32-bit
# (Segment Base modified at run time.)
gdtdesc32: # 32 bit GDT Descriptor
.word gdt_end-gdt-1 # limit
.long 0 # 32 bit GDT base (Needs flattening)
.align 16
.long intde, 0x00008e00 # #DE /* Reversed the order of the IDT entries */
.long intdb, 0x00008e00 # #DB
.long intnmi, 0x00008e00 # #NMI
.long intbp, 0x00008e00 # #BP
.long intof, 0x00008e00 # #OF
.long intbr, 0x00008e00 # #BR
.long intud, 0x00008e00 # #UD
.long intnm, 0x00008e00 # #NM
.long intdf, 0x00008e00 # #DF
.long 0, 0x00008e00 # Reserved
.long intts, 0x00008e00 # #TS
.long intnp, 0x00008e00 # #NP
.long intss, 0x00008e00 # #SS
.long intgp, 0x00008e00 # #GP
.long intpf, 0x00008e00 # #PF
.long intmf, 0x00008e00 # #MF
.long intac, 0x00008e00 # #AC
.long intmc, 0x00008e00 # #MC
.long intxf, 0x00008e00 # #XF
.word idt32_end-idt32-1 # limit
.long 0 # 32 bit IDT base (Needs flattening)
.space 4096, 0
.long stacktop
.word SS_DATA
# Initial Page Tables in the long mode will provide an identity mapping for
# a virtual address space of 0-1Gb with a page size of 2Mb.
# The PD, PDP, PML4 must be aligned on a boundary congruent to zero modulo 4096.
.align 4096,0
.quad 0x0000000000000087 # 0000000000000000 - 00000000001fffff
.quad 0x0000000000200087 # 0000000000200000 - 00000000003fffff
.quad 0x0000000000400087 # 0000000000400000 - 00000000005fffff
.quad 0x0000000000600087 # 0000000000600000 - 00000000007fffff
.quad 0x0000000000800087 # 0000000000800000 - 00000000009fffff
.quad 0x0000000000a00087 # 0000000000a00000 - 0000000000bfffff
.quad 0x0000000000c00087 # 0000000000c00000 - 0000000000dfffff
.quad 0x0000000000e00087 # 0000000000e00000 - 0000000000ffffff
.quad 0x0000000001000087 # 0000000001000000 - 00000000011fffff
.quad 0x0000000001200087 # 0000000001200000 - 00000000013fffff
.quad 0x0000000001400087 # 0000000001400000 - 00000000015fffff
.quad 0x0000000001600087 # 0000000001600000 - 00000000017fffff
.quad 0x0000000001800087 # 0000000001800000 - 00000000019fffff
.quad 0x0000000001a00087 # 0000000001a00000 - 0000000001bfffff
.quad 0x0000000001c00087 # 0000000001c00000 - 0000000001dfffff
.quad 0x0000000001e00087 # 0000000001e00000 - 0000000001ffffff
.quad 0x0000000002000087 # 0000000002000000 - 00000000021fffff
.quad 0x0000000002200087 # 0000000002200000 - 00000000023fffff
.quad 0x0000000002400087 # 0000000002400000 - 00000000025fffff
.quad 0x0000000002600087 # 0000000002600000 - 00000000027fffff
.quad 0x0000000002800087 # 0000000002800000 - 00000000029fffff
.quad 0x0000000002a00087 # 0000000002a00000 - 0000000002bfffff
.quad 0x0000000002c00087 # 0000000002c00000 - 0000000002dfffff
.quad 0x0000000002e00087 # 0000000002e00000 - 0000000002ffffff
.quad 0x0000000003000087 # 0000000003000000 - 00000000031fffff
.quad 0x0000000003200087 # 0000000003200000 - 00000000033fffff
.quad 0x0000000003400087 # 0000000003400000 - 00000000035fffff
.quad 0x0000000003600087 # 0000000003600000 - 00000000037fffff
.quad 0x0000000003800087 # 0000000003800000 - 00000000039fffff
.quad 0x0000000003a00087 # 0000000003a00000 - 0000000003bfffff
.quad 0x0000000003c00087 # 0000000003c00000 - 0000000003dfffff
.quad 0x0000000003e00087 # 0000000003e00000 - 0000000003ffffff
.quad 0x0000000004000087 # 0000000004000000 - 00000000041fffff
.quad 0x0000000004200087 # 0000000004200000 - 00000000043fffff
.quad 0x0000000004400087 # 0000000004400000 - 00000000045fffff
.quad 0x0000000004600087 # 0000000004600000 - 00000000047fffff
.quad 0x0000000004800087 # 0000000004800000 - 00000000049fffff
.quad 0x0000000004a00087 # 0000000004a00000 - 0000000004bfffff
.quad 0x0000000004c00087 # 0000000004c00000 - 0000000004dfffff
.quad 0x0000000004e00087 # 0000000004e00000 - 0000000004ffffff
.quad 0x0000000005000087 # 0000000005000000 - 00000000051fffff
.quad 0x0000000005200087 # 0000000005200000 - 00000000053fffff
.quad 0x0000000005400087 # 0000000005400000 - 00000000055fffff
.quad 0x0000000005600087 # 0000000005600000 - 00000000057fffff
.quad 0x0000000005800087 # 0000000005800000 - 00000000059fffff
.quad 0x0000000005a00087 # 0000000005a00000 - 0000000005bfffff
.quad 0x0000000005c00087 # 0000000005c00000 - 0000000005dfffff
.quad 0x0000000005e00087 # 0000000005e00000 - 0000000005ffffff
.quad 0x0000000006000087 # 0000000006000000 - 00000000061fffff
.quad 0x0000000006200087 # 0000000006200000 - 00000000063fffff
.quad 0x0000000006400087 # 0000000006400000 - 00000000065fffff
.quad 0x0000000006600087 # 0000000006600000 - 00000000067fffff
.quad 0x0000000006800087 # 0000000006800000 - 00000000069fffff
.quad 0x0000000006a00087 # 0000000006a00000 - 0000000006bfffff
.quad 0x0000000006c00087 # 0000000006c00000 - 0000000006dfffff
.quad 0x0000000006e00087 # 0000000006e00000 - 0000000006ffffff
.quad 0x0000000007000087 # 0000000007000000 - 00000000071fffff
.quad 0x0000000007200087 # 0000000007200000 - 00000000073fffff
.quad 0x0000000007400087 # 0000000007400000 - 00000000075fffff
.quad 0x0000000007600087 # 0000000007600000 - 00000000077fffff
.quad 0x0000000007800087 # 0000000007800000 - 00000000079fffff
.quad 0x0000000007a00087 # 0000000007a00000 - 0000000007bfffff
.quad 0x0000000007c00087 # 0000000007c00000 - 0000000007dfffff
.quad 0x0000000007e00087 # 0000000007e00000 - 0000000007ffffff
.quad 0x0000000008000087 # 0000000008000000 - 00000000081fffff
.quad 0x0000000008200087 # 0000000008200000 - 00000000083fffff
.quad 0x0000000008400087 # 0000000008400000 - 00000000085fffff
.quad 0x0000000008600087 # 0000000008600000 - 00000000087fffff
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.quad 0x0000000021400087 # 0000000021400000 - 00000000215fffff
.quad 0x0000000021600087 # 0000000021600000 - 00000000217fffff
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.quad 0x0000000022600087 # 0000000022600000 - 00000000227fffff
.quad 0x0000000022800087 # 0000000022800000 - 00000000229fffff
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.quad 0x0000000023600087 # 0000000023600000 - 00000000237fffff
.quad 0x0000000023800087 # 0000000023800000 - 00000000239fffff
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.quad 0x000000002b800087 # 000000002b800000 - 000000002b9fffff
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.quad 0x000000002bc00087 # 000000002bc00000 - 000000002bdfffff
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.quad 0x000000002cc00087 # 000000002cc00000 - 000000002cdfffff
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.quad 0x000000002dc00087 # 000000002dc00000 - 000000002ddfffff
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.quad 0x0000000030600087 # 0000000030600000 - 00000000307fffff
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.quad 0x0000000031400087 # 0000000031400000 - 00000000315fffff
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.quad 0x0000000035c00087 # 0000000035c00000 - 0000000035dfffff
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.quad 0x0000000036600087 # 0000000036600000 - 00000000367fffff
.quad 0x0000000036800087 # 0000000036800000 - 00000000369fffff
.quad 0x0000000036a00087 # 0000000036a00000 - 0000000036bfffff
.quad 0x0000000036c00087 # 0000000036c00000 - 0000000036dfffff
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.quad 0x0000000037200087 # 0000000037200000 - 00000000373fffff
.quad 0x0000000037400087 # 0000000037400000 - 00000000375fffff
.quad 0x0000000037600087 # 0000000037600000 - 00000000377fffff
.quad 0x0000000037800087 # 0000000037800000 - 00000000379fffff
.quad 0x0000000037a00087 # 0000000037a00000 - 0000000037bfffff
.quad 0x0000000037c00087 # 0000000037c00000 - 0000000037dfffff
.quad 0x0000000037e00087 # 0000000037e00000 - 0000000037ffffff
.quad 0x0000000038000087 # 0000000038000000 - 00000000381fffff
.quad 0x0000000038200087 # 0000000038200000 - 00000000383fffff
.quad 0x0000000038400087 # 0000000038400000 - 00000000385fffff
.quad 0x0000000038600087 # 0000000038600000 - 00000000387fffff
.quad 0x0000000038800087 # 0000000038800000 - 00000000389fffff
.quad 0x0000000038a00087 # 0000000038a00000 - 0000000038bfffff
.quad 0x0000000038c00087 # 0000000038c00000 - 0000000038dfffff
.quad 0x0000000038e00087 # 0000000038e00000 - 0000000038ffffff
.quad 0x0000000039000087 # 0000000039000000 - 00000000391fffff
.quad 0x0000000039200087 # 0000000039200000 - 00000000393fffff
.quad 0x0000000039400087 # 0000000039400000 - 00000000395fffff
.quad 0x0000000039600087 # 0000000039600000 - 00000000397fffff
.quad 0x0000000039800087 # 0000000039800000 - 00000000399fffff
.quad 0x0000000039a00087 # 0000000039a00000 - 0000000039bfffff
.quad 0x0000000039c00087 # 0000000039c00000 - 0000000039dfffff
.quad 0x0000000039e00087 # 0000000039e00000 - 0000000039ffffff
.quad 0x000000003a000087 # 000000003a000000 - 000000003a1fffff
.quad 0x000000003a200087 # 000000003a200000 - 000000003a3fffff
.quad 0x000000003a400087 # 000000003a400000 - 000000003a5fffff
.quad 0x000000003a600087 # 000000003a600000 - 000000003a7fffff
.quad 0x000000003a800087 # 000000003a800000 - 000000003a9fffff
.quad 0x000000003aa00087 # 000000003aa00000 - 000000003abfffff
.quad 0x000000003ac00087 # 000000003ac00000 - 000000003adfffff
.quad 0x000000003ae00087 # 000000003ae00000 - 000000003affffff
.quad 0x000000003b000087 # 000000003b000000 - 000000003b1fffff
.quad 0x000000003b200087 # 000000003b200000 - 000000003b3fffff
.quad 0x000000003b400087 # 000000003b400000 - 000000003b5fffff
.quad 0x000000003b600087 # 000000003b600000 - 000000003b7fffff
.quad 0x000000003b800087 # 000000003b800000 - 000000003b9fffff
.quad 0x000000003ba00087 # 000000003ba00000 - 000000003bbfffff
.quad 0x000000003bc00087 # 000000003bc00000 - 000000003bdfffff
.quad 0x000000003be00087 # 000000003be00000 - 000000003bffffff
.quad 0x000000003c000087 # 000000003c000000 - 000000003c1fffff
.quad 0x000000003c200087 # 000000003c200000 - 000000003c3fffff
.quad 0x000000003c400087 # 000000003c400000 - 000000003c5fffff
.quad 0x000000003c600087 # 000000003c600000 - 000000003c7fffff
.quad 0x000000003c800087 # 000000003c800000 - 000000003c9fffff
.quad 0x000000003ca00087 # 000000003ca00000 - 000000003cbfffff
.quad 0x000000003cc00087 # 000000003cc00000 - 000000003cdfffff
.quad 0x000000003ce00087 # 000000003ce00000 - 000000003cffffff
.quad 0x000000003d000087 # 000000003d000000 - 000000003d1fffff
.quad 0x000000003d200087 # 000000003d200000 - 000000003d3fffff
.quad 0x000000003d400087 # 000000003d400000 - 000000003d5fffff
.quad 0x000000003d600087 # 000000003d600000 - 000000003d7fffff
.quad 0x000000003d800087 # 000000003d800000 - 000000003d9fffff
.quad 0x000000003da00087 # 000000003da00000 - 000000003dbfffff
.quad 0x000000003dc00087 # 000000003dc00000 - 000000003ddfffff
.quad 0x000000003de00087 # 000000003de00000 - 000000003dffffff
.quad 0x000000003e000087 # 000000003e000000 - 000000003e1fffff
.quad 0x000000003e200087 # 000000003e200000 - 000000003e3fffff
.quad 0x000000003e400087 # 000000003e400000 - 000000003e5fffff
.quad 0x000000003e600087 # 000000003e600000 - 000000003e7fffff
.quad 0x000000003e800087 # 000000003e800000 - 000000003e9fffff
.quad 0x000000003ea00087 # 000000003ea00000 - 000000003ebfffff
.quad 0x000000003ec00087 # 000000003ec00000 - 000000003edfffff
.quad 0x000000003ee00087 # 000000003ee00000 - 000000003effffff
.quad 0x000000003f000087 # 000000003f000000 - 000000003f1fffff
.quad 0x000000003f200087 # 000000003f200000 - 000000003f3fffff
.quad 0x000000003f400087 # 000000003f400000 - 000000003f5fffff
.quad 0x000000003f600087 # 000000003f600000 - 000000003f7fffff
.quad 0x000000003f800087 # 000000003f800000 - 000000003f9fffff
.quad 0x000000003fa00087 # 000000003fa00000 - 000000003fbfffff
.quad 0x000000003fc00087 # 000000003fc00000 - 000000003fdfffff
.quad 0x000000003fe00087 # 000000003fe00000 - 000000003fffffff
.balign 4096,0
.quad identitydir - identitydir
.balign 4096,0
.quad 0x0000000000000087 # 0000000000000000 - 00000000001fffff
.balign 4096,0
.quad percpudir - identitydir
# The pdpe and the pml4e will be modified at runtime to include
# the necessary flags.
.balign 4096,0
.quad identitypdp - identitydir
.space 0x800
percpupml4: # Offset in PML4 = 0x808
.quad percpupdp - identitydir
.space 0x20
identitypml4e2: # Offset in PML4 = 0x830
.quad identitypdp - identitydir
#include "dvmm_constants.h"
#include "core/asm_offsets.h"
* \fn void ::dvmmstart(uint32 e820space, uint32 bspflag, uint32 rmseg)
* \brief The 64-bit code entry point
* \param e820space The number of bytes of e820 space remaining. Passed
* in the <b>%eax</b> register.
* \param bspflag Set to zero to indicate that the Bootstrap Processor
* (BSP) or one to indicate that an Application Processor (AP) has
* invoked this function. Passed in the <b>%ebx</b> register.
* \param rmseg The real-mode segment selector used by the second-stage
* bootstrap program. Passed in the <b>%esi</b> register.
* \remark This function never returns.
* This code is the long mode 64-bit code entry point. It is
* loaded by the PXE boot loader (or 3leaf floppy boot loader) to
* physical address 0x100000, virtual address 0xffff830000100000.
* It is responsible for setting up the 64 bit GDT and IDT and then
* invoking the C++ code. It executes based at 0x100000 until the
* call into ::dvmm_bsp_start, from whence we're running at 0xffff83...
* \note Note that this code is linked into the main hypervisor ELF image.
.section inittext,"xa",@progbits
# .text
# On entry to dvmmstart:
# %eax contains the amount of e820 buffer space remaining
# %ebx contains 0 for the bootstrap processor (BSP), and 1 for application
# processors (AP).
# %esi contains the real-mode segment selector for the secondary bootstrap
.global dvmmstart
# Get processor into known state.
movl %esi, %r15d # Save real-mode segment base
xorq %rsi, %rsi # EAX contains 'memsize' initialized
movl %eax, %esi # before calling setup64.s
movabsq $PHYSMAP_BASE, %r12 # Base DVMM virtual address
# 64bit RSP points to the stack's linear address.
leaq init_stack_top(%rip), %rsp
addq %r12, %rsp # Rebase the stack
# Fill in the GDTR.
leaq gdt64(%rip), %rax # Load the address of the gdt
leaq gdtdesc64(%rip), %rcx # Load the address of the gdt descriptor
addq $2, %rcx # &gdt goes 2 bytes into the gdt descriptor
movq %r12, (%rcx) # Start with PHYSMAP_BASE
addq %rax, (%rcx) # offset to gdt
lgdtq gdtdesc64(%rip) # Load the GDT
# Load up the new selectors.
movl $SS_DATA, %eax
movl %eax, %ds
movl %eax, %ss
movl %eax, %es
movl %eax, %fs
movl %eax, %gs
# Fill in the IDTR.
leaq idt64(%rip), %rax # Load the address of the idt
leaq idtdesc64(%rip), %rcx # Load the address of the idt descriptor
addq $2, %rcx # &idt goes 2 bytes into the gdt descriptor
movq %r12, (%rcx) # Start with PHYSMAP_BASE
addq %rax, (%rcx) # add offset to &idt
# Fill in the IDT.
testl $1, %ebx # BSP or AP?
jnz 2f # AP, just load IDT
movabsq $handlerlist, %r11 # List of interrupt handlers
movl $((idt64_end - idt64) / 16), %ecx # Number of entries to copy
movq (%r11), %rdx # Get handler address
addq $8, %r11 # Skip to next
movw %dx, (%rax) # Set the low 16 bits of the target offset
movw $SS_CODE, 2(%rax) # Set the target CS
movw $0x8e00, 4(%rax) # Set the gate flags
shrq $16, %rdx # Shift temp_int address down by 16
movw %dx, 6(%rax) # Set bits 31-16 of the target offset
shrq $16, %rdx # Shift temp_int address down by 16 more
movl %edx, 8(%rax) # Set bits 63-32 of the target offset
addq $16, %rax # Next IDT64 entry
decw %cx # Down by one
testw $0xffff, %cx # Is it zero yet?
jnz 1b # No, loop around
lidt idtdesc64(%rip) # Load the IDT
# Clear BSS
testl $1, %ebx # BSP or AP?
jnz 1f # AP, skip clear BSS & constructors
xorq %rax, %rax
leaq _sbss(%rip), %rdi
movq $0, %rcx
leaq _ebss(%rip), %rcx
subq %rdi, %rcx
rep stosb
pushq %rsi # Save RSI, since we'll need it later.
# Invoke the debugger early initialization function
movabsq $debugger, %rdi # Set this
movabsq $_ZN10c_debugger10early_initEv, %rcx # Call ::early_init
call *%rcx
# Invoke global C++ constructors.
movabsq $__call_constructors, %rcx
call *%rcx
popq %rsi # Restore RSI.
# Invoke C++ code. Pass begin and end address of memory map.
movq $512, %rax # Starting with 512 bytes
subq %rsi, %rax # Subtract remaining
addq $0x90000, %rax # e820 data map address
# Use x86_64 calling conventions
movq $0x90000, %rdi # Pass arg1 to main
addq %r12, %rdi # Rebase arg1
movq %rax, %rsi # Pass arg2 to main
addq %r12, %rsi # Rebase arg2
movq %r15, %rdx # Arg3 is real-mode segment base
xorq %rbp, %rbp # Indicate end of stack for -fframe-pointer
movabsq $dvmm_bsp_start, %rcx # We use an indirect jump to invoke main
testl $1, %ebx # BSP or AP?
jz 4f # BSP, use 'dvmm_bsp_start'
movabsq $dvmm_ap_start, %rcx # AP, use 'dvmm_ap_start'
4: call *%rcx # because it is more than 2GB away from here.
# Should never return.
jmp 1b
# Global Descriptor Table
.align 16,0
.long 0, 0 # Entry 0 (NULL segment descriptor)
.long 0, 0 # Entry 1 (reserved)
.long 0x0000ffff, 0x00AF9A00 # Code read/exec long mode
.long 0x0000ffff, 0x00CF9200 # Data read/write.
gdtdesc64: # 64 bit GDT Descriptor
.word gdt64_end-gdt64-1 # limit
.quad PHYSMAP_BASE # 64 bit GDT base (overwritten above)
# Interrupt Descriptor Table
/* These are overwritten above in dvmmstart. */
#define IGATE .quad 0x0, 0x0
.align 16,0
IGATE #Reserved
.word idt64_end-idt64-1 # limit
.quad PHYSMAP_BASE # 64 bit IDT base (overwritten above)
.quad fault_divide
.quad trap_debug
.quad fault_nmi
.quad trap_breakpoint
.quad trap_overflow
.quad fault_bounds
.quad fault_ud
.quad fault_nm
.quad abort_df
.quad fault_invalid9
.quad fault_invtss
.quad fault_notpresent
.quad fault_stack
.quad fault_gp
.quad fault_page
.quad fault_invalid15
.quad fault_fpe
.quad fault_alignment
.quad machine_check
.quad fault_simd
.quad fault_invalid20
.quad fault_invalid21
.quad fault_invalid22
.quad fault_invalid23
.quad fault_invalid24
.quad fault_invalid25
.quad fault_invalid26
.quad fault_invalid27
.quad fault_invalid28
.quad fault_invalid29
.quad fault_security
.quad fault_invalid31
.align 4096,0
* Application processor initialization code. This needs to be aligned on a
* page boundary, as we use the LAPIC startup interprocessor interrupt (IPI)
* to start the application processors (AP) from the bootstrap processor (BSP),
* and the startup API requires a page-aligned address within the first
* megabyte of DRAM as a start-vector.
.global dvmm_ap_init
.global dvmm_ap_base
jmp 1f
.word 0x0000
1: wbinvd
mov %cs, %ax
mov %ax, %ds
mov %cs:(0x2), %ax
mov %ax, %es
sub $0x20, %ax
* We only need a few bytes (4, to be exact) on the stack used prior
* to invoking dvmmstart in long-mode. Use the bottom portion of the
* segment starting at $3000:$0, the first portion of the 512 bytes at
* that segment is only used by the bootstrap processor to hold the
* BIOS E820 table.
mov %ax, %ss
mov $0x1f0, %sp
mov %es, %ax
mov %ax, %cs:(2f-dvmm_ap_init)
movw $1, %es:(0x20) # Mark AP startup
.byte 0xea # Long Jump
.word 0x0 # Offset from seg base == 0
2: .word 0x0 # Real-mode segment base
.global dvmm_ap_init_end
.long 0
.global init_stack
.global init_stack_top
.space STACK_SIZE_ASM, 0
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