Post by Robert PengellyPost by wolfgang kernDoes anyone know how I get IRQ4 INT 0Ch working for a 16-bit OS? On it has "8-15 Default mapping of IRQ0-7 by the BIOS at bootstrap", Is that only for 32-bit or is it for both 32 and 16 bit? Do I need to manipulate things to get IRQ4 INT 0Ch working for 16-bit?
old 16 bit hardware had jumpers on COM/LPT add-on boards for setup IRQ-
number and CS aka I/O address.
modern stuff have this all emulated in the south-bridge (in the chip-set
on main board) and may or may not allow modification of their defaults.
how much do you already know about IRQ-redirection ?
it depends on your hardware if you need to modify anything.
and what are you trying to achieve with IRQ4 ?
is there any COM-port connected to it at all ? my PC don't have any.
and what are you trying to achieve with IRQ4 ?
I'm trying to figure out how to get data from a serial mouse as most of the roms in pcem and 86box don't have a PS/2 option.
;; Disable all interrupts.
mov dx, HEX (03F9)
xor al, al
out dx, al
;; Enable DLAB (set baud rate divisor).
mov dx, HEX (03FB)
mov al, HEX (80)
out dx, al
;; Set divisor.
mov dx, HEX (03F8)
mov al, HEX (03) ; 3 (lo byte) 38400 baud.
out dx, al
mov dx, HEX (03F9)
xor al, al ; (hi byte)
out dx, al
;; 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit.
mov dx, HEX (03FB)
mov al, HEX (03)
out dx, al
;; Enable FIF0, clear them, with 14-byte threshold.
mov dx, HEX (03FA)
mov al, HEX (C7)
out dx, al
;; IRQs enabled, RTS/DSR set.
mov dx, HEX (03FC)
mov al, HEX (0B)
out dx, al
;; Set in loopback mode, test the serial chip.
mov dx, HEX (03FC)
mov al, HEX (1E)
out dx, al
;; Test serial chip (send byte 0xAE and check if serial
;; returns same byte).
mov dx, HEX (03F8)
mov al, HEX (AE)
out dx, al
;; Check if serial is faulty (i.e. not same byte as sent).
mov dx, HEX (03F8)
xor ax, ax
in al, dx
cmp al, HEX (AE)
jne .setup_interrupts
;; If serial is not faulty set it in normal operation mode
;; (not-loopback with IRQs enabled and OUT#1 and OUT#2 bits enabled).
mov dx, HEX (03FC)
mov al, HEX (0F)
out dx, al
which I got from towards the bottom of and converted it to assembly. That code works I'm getting 0xAE but I can't seem to read data from the mouse and I can't get an interrupt to work.
getting AE from previously written port may not mean much :)
are you sure the mouse is connected to COM_1 and set to IRQ_4 ?
how does your IRQ-routine work ?
here some info from my RBIL-copy on port 03F8:
PORT 03F8-03FF - Serial port (8250,8250A,8251,16450,16550,16550A,etc.) COM1
Range: PORT 02E8h-02EFh (COM2), PORT 02F8h-02FFh (typical non-PS/2
COM3), and
PORT 03E8h-03EFh (typical non-PS/2 COM4)
Note: chips overview:
8250 original PC, specified up to 56Kbd, but mostly runs
only 9600Bd, no scratchregister, bug: sometimes shots
ints without reasons
8250A, 16450, 16C451: ATs, most chips run up to 115KBd,
no bug: shots no causeless ints
8250B: PC,XT,AT, pseudo bug: shots one causeless int for
compatibility with 8250, runs up to 56KBd
16550, 16550N, 16550V: early PS/2, FIFO bugs
16550A,16550AF,16550AFN,16550C,16C551,16C552: PS/2, FIFO ok
82510: laptops & industry, multi emulation mode
(default=16450), special-FIFO.
8251: completely different synchronous SIO chip, not compatible!
SeeAlso: INT 14/AH=00h"SERIAL"
03F8 -W serial port, transmitter holding register (THR), which
contains the
character to be sent. Bit 0 is sent first.
bit 7-0 data bits when DLAB=0 (Divisor Latch Access Bit)
03F8 R- receiver buffer register (RBR), which contains the received
character. Bit 0 is received first
bit 7-0 data bits when DLAB=0 (Divisor Latch Access Bit)
03F8 RW divisor latch low byte (DLL) when DLAB=1 (see #P0876)
03F9 RW divisor latch high byte (DLM) when DLAB=1 (see #P0876)
03F9 RW interrupt enable register (IER) when DLAB=0 (see #P0877)
03FA R- interrupt identification register (see #P0878)
Information about a pending interrupt is stored here. When the ID
register is addressed, thehighest priority interrupt is held, and
no other interrupts are acknowledged until the CPU services that
03FA -W 16650 FIFO Control Register (FCR) (see #P0879)
03FB RW line control register (LCR) (see #P0880)
03FC RW modem control register (see #P0881)
03FD R- line status register (LSR) (see #P0882)
03FE R- modem status register (MSR) (see #P0883)
03FF RW scratch register (SCR)
(not used for serial I/O; available to any application using 16450,
16550) (not present on original 8250)
(Table P0876)
Values for serial port divisor latch registers:
Some baudrates (using standard 1.8432 Mhz clock):
baudrate divisor DLM DLL
50 2304 09h 00h
75 1536 06h 00h
110 1047 04h 17h
134,5 857 03h 59h
150 768 03h 00h
300 384 01h 80h
600 192 00h C0h
1200 96 00h 60h
1800 64 00h 40h
2000 58 00h 3Ah
2400 48 00h 30h
3600 32 00h 20h
4800 24 00h 18h
7200 16 00h 10h
9600 12 00h 0Ch
19200 6 00h 06h
38400 3 00h 03h
57600 2 00h 02h
115200 1 00h 01h
Note: MIDI baudrate 32250Bd with 4Mhz quarz for c't MIDI interface
following c't 01/1991: '14400' 00h 08h
Bitfields for serial port interrupt enable register (IER):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0877)
7-6 reserved (0)
5 (82510) "timer"
(other) reserved (0)
4 (82510) "transmit machine"
(other) reserved (0)
3 modem-status interrupt enable
2 receiver-line-status interrupt enable
1 transmitter-holding-register empty interrupt enable
0 received-data-available interrupt enable
(also 16550(A) timeout interrupt)
Note: 16550(A) will interrupt with a timeout if data exists in the FIFO
and isn't read within the time it takes to receive four bytes or if
no data is received within the time it takes to receive four bytes
SeeAlso: #P0878
Bitfields for serial port interrupt identification register (IIR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0878)
7-6 =00 reserved on 8250, 8251, 16450
=01 if FIFO queues enabled but unusable (16550 only)
=11 if FIFO queues are enabled (16550A only) (see also #P0879)
6-5 used by 82510 for bank select (00 = default bank0)
5-4 reserved (0)
3-1 identify pending interrupt with the highest priority
110 (16550,82510) timeout interrupt pending
101 (82510) timer interrupt (see #P0877)
100 (82510) transmit machine (see #P0877)
011 receiver line status interrupt. priority=highest
010 received data available register interrupt. pr.=second
001 transmitter holding register empty interrupt. pr.=third
000 modem status interrupt. priority=fourth
0 =0 interrupt pending. contents of register can be used as a pointer
to the appropriate interrupt service routine
=1 no interrupt pending
Notes: interrupt pending flag uses reverse logic, 0=pending, 1=none
interrupt will occur if any of the line status bits are set
THRE bit is set when THRE register is emptied into the TSR
SeeAlso: #P0877
Bitfields for serial port FIFO control register (FCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0879)
7-6 received data available interrupt trigger level (16550)
00 1 byte
01 4 bytes
10 8 bytes
11 14 bytes
6-5 =00 (used to enable 4 byte Rx/Tx FIFOs on 82510???)
=10 ???
5-4 reserved (00)
3 change RXRDY TXRDY pins from mode 0 to mode 1
2 clear XMIT FIFO
1 clear RCVR FIFO
0 enable clear XMIT and RCVR FIFO queues
4-0 (other purpose on 82510???)
Notes: bit 0 must be set in order to write to other FCR bits
bit 1 when set the RCVR FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset
the receiver shift register is not cleared
bit 2 when set the XMIT FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset
the transmit shift register is not cleared
due to a hardware bug, 16550 FIFOs don't work correctly (this
was fixed in the 16550A)
SeeAlso: #P0878
Bitfields for serial port Line Control Register (LCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0880)
7 =1 divisor latch access bit (DLAB)
=0 receiver buffer, transmitter holding, or interrupt enable register
6 set break enable. serial ouput is forced to spacing state and remains
5-3 PM2 PM1 PM0
x x 0 = no parity
0 0 1 = odd parity
0 1 1 = even parity
1 0 1 = high parity (sticky)
1 1 1 = low parity (sticky)
x x 1 = software parity
2 stop bit length (STB/SBL)
0 one stop bit
1 2 stop bits with (word length 6, 7, 8)
1.5 stop bits with word length 5
1-0 (WLS1-0, CL1-0)
00 word length is 5 bits
01 word length is 6 bits
10 word length is 7 bits
11 word length is 8 bits
SeeAlso: #P0881,#P0882,#P0883
Bitfields for serial port Modem Control Register (MCR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0881)
7-6 reserved (0)
5 (82510 only) state of OUT0 pin
4 loopback mode for diagnostic testing of serial port
output of transmitter shift register is looped back to receiver
shift register input. In this mode, transmitted data is received
immediately so that the CPU can verify the transmit data/receive
data serial port paths.
If OUT2 is disabled, there is no official way to generate an IRQ
during loopback mode.
3 auxiliary user-designated output 2 (OUT2)
because of external circuity OUT2 must be 1 to master-intr-enableing.
BUG: Some Toshiba Laptops utilize this bit vice versa, newer Toshiba
machines allow assignment of the bit's polarity in system setup.
82050: This bit is only effective, if the chip is being used with an
externally-generated clock.
2 =1/0 auxiliary user-designated output 1 (OUT1)
should generally be cleared!!
Some external hardware, e.g. c't MIDI interface (and compatibles) use
this bit to change the 8250 input clock from 1,8432 MHz to 4Mhz
(enabling MIDI-conformant baudrates) and switching to
MIDI-compatible current loop connectors.
1 force request-to-send active (RTS)
0 force data-terminal-ready active (DTR)
SeeAlso: #P0880,#P0882,#P0883
Bitfields for serial port Line Status Register (LSR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0882)
7 =0 reserved
=1 on some chips produced by UMC
6 transmitter shift and holding registers empty
5 transmitter holding register empty (THRE)
Controller is ready to accept a new character to send.
4 break interrupt. the received data input is held in the zero bit
state longer than the time of start bit + data bits + parity bit +
stop bits.
3 framing error (FE). the stop bit that follows the last parity or data
bit is a zero bit
2 parity error (PE). Character has wrong parity
1 overrun error (OE). a character was sent to the receiver buffer
before the previous character in the buffer could be read. This
destroys the previous character.
0 data ready. a complete incoming character has been received and sent
to the receiver buffer register.
SeeAlso: #P0880,#P0881,#P0883
Bitfields for serial port Modem Status Register (MSR):
Bit(s) Description (Table P0883)
7 data carrier detect (-DCD)
6 ring indicator (-RI)
5 data set ready (-DSR)
4 clear to send (-CTS)
3 delta data carrier detect (DDCD)
2 trailing edge ring indicator (TERI)
1 delta data set ready (DDSR)
0 delta clear to send (DCTS)
Notes: bits 0-3 are reset when the CPU reads the MSR
bit 4 is the Modem Control Register RTS during loopback test
bit 5 is the Modem Control Register DTR during loopback test
bit 6 is the Modem Control Register OUT1 during loopback test
bit 7 is the Modem Control Register OUT2 during loopback test
SeeAlso: #P0880,#P0881,#P0882