Rick C. Hodgin
2021-02-25 00:10:57 UTC
OT: A message regarding the rapid transformation of our world
Read this and repost. It's important. This message is to U.S.
citizens, but it applies world-wide.
Our nation is under serious assault. Not by the left or right, but by
evil spiritual forces at work inside of people. By our society, people
have sold out to sin in all its various forms, and now those evil
spirits literally dwell inside the physical bodies of people, and from
that place of influence they are moving against all of mankind in the
capacity of the people they occupy. Leaders. Business people. Everyone
of influence is under assault or being replaced in their position by
someone who is compromised.
This translates into a world environment where all of us who trust in
the Lord Jesus Christ, who seek to do and be a part of what's true,
what's right in God's sight, deferring to the guidance which God has
given us in the Bible, by His Holy Spirit, through His Son, are also
under assault. No one is sidelined. We are all all in whether we
realize it or not.
The United States in its present form will not survive. We read in
Revelation about the coming great tribulation and how the entire world
will go after the mark of the beast system, taking the mark and in so
doing damning their eternal souls.
My friends, that time is here. We are seeing the transformation and
preparation for the full-on implementation of that system happening
before our very eyes. We are seeing that mark of the beast system
coming online and rising up before us.
It will not be too much longer until everyone who trusts in Jesus Christ
will be cast out of their jobs, their homes, onto the streets, unable
to get employment, unable to provide for their families. They will be
shunned and hated everywhere by those very people who, through sin and
their love of sin, are compromised. Christians will become a band of
outcasts and the whole world will rejoice for a time because of it.
But to every Christian: Take heart, because the Lord of hosts has
secured our victory. He will take us out of this world so we will not
go through that mark of the beast system and the seven year tribulation.
Stay strong, my friends. Take courage. The Lord Jesus Christ has
already given us the victory. This is the enemy's moment in time to rise
to power and overcome, but scripture teaches us it is a fleeting moment,
and it will not endure, and Jesus has already secured their defeat in
the most final way possible.
Be strong no matter what comes. And if you need encouragement, please
contact me. Watch my video on the spiritual nature of our lives on
YouTube. And teach the people around you about this spiritual battle we
are facing, and why and how we must keep our faith and trust in Jesus
Christ no matter what the enemy throws at us.
I am there with you in spirit, as are all the saints, across all the
nations, across this entire world, are likewise.
Look up, because your redemption draws near.
In Christ,
Rick C. Hodgin
PS -- To all of you who don't believe, consider these things. Read the
Bible and see for yourself if what I teach you about the correlation
between worldly events and changes aligns with the Biblical teaching.
Do not go another day without knowing for sure. Put God to the test.
Prove Him out by examining and testing what He's written to see if He
is true or not. Do not rely upon me or my guidance / thoughts. I am a
man and can be wrong. But God is not a man like us, and He cannot be
wrong. Jesus wants to forgive you today. Ask Him to forgive you and
escape what's coming. Do this, and you will feel the change, and you
will see the whole world from inside of new eyes. Peace, my friends.
[Jesus Loves You]
Read this and repost. It's important. This message is to U.S.
citizens, but it applies world-wide.
Our nation is under serious assault. Not by the left or right, but by
evil spiritual forces at work inside of people. By our society, people
have sold out to sin in all its various forms, and now those evil
spirits literally dwell inside the physical bodies of people, and from
that place of influence they are moving against all of mankind in the
capacity of the people they occupy. Leaders. Business people. Everyone
of influence is under assault or being replaced in their position by
someone who is compromised.
This translates into a world environment where all of us who trust in
the Lord Jesus Christ, who seek to do and be a part of what's true,
what's right in God's sight, deferring to the guidance which God has
given us in the Bible, by His Holy Spirit, through His Son, are also
under assault. No one is sidelined. We are all all in whether we
realize it or not.
The United States in its present form will not survive. We read in
Revelation about the coming great tribulation and how the entire world
will go after the mark of the beast system, taking the mark and in so
doing damning their eternal souls.
My friends, that time is here. We are seeing the transformation and
preparation for the full-on implementation of that system happening
before our very eyes. We are seeing that mark of the beast system
coming online and rising up before us.
It will not be too much longer until everyone who trusts in Jesus Christ
will be cast out of their jobs, their homes, onto the streets, unable
to get employment, unable to provide for their families. They will be
shunned and hated everywhere by those very people who, through sin and
their love of sin, are compromised. Christians will become a band of
outcasts and the whole world will rejoice for a time because of it.
But to every Christian: Take heart, because the Lord of hosts has
secured our victory. He will take us out of this world so we will not
go through that mark of the beast system and the seven year tribulation.
Stay strong, my friends. Take courage. The Lord Jesus Christ has
already given us the victory. This is the enemy's moment in time to rise
to power and overcome, but scripture teaches us it is a fleeting moment,
and it will not endure, and Jesus has already secured their defeat in
the most final way possible.
Be strong no matter what comes. And if you need encouragement, please
contact me. Watch my video on the spiritual nature of our lives on
YouTube. And teach the people around you about this spiritual battle we
are facing, and why and how we must keep our faith and trust in Jesus
Christ no matter what the enemy throws at us.
I am there with you in spirit, as are all the saints, across all the
nations, across this entire world, are likewise.
Look up, because your redemption draws near.
In Christ,
Rick C. Hodgin
PS -- To all of you who don't believe, consider these things. Read the
Bible and see for yourself if what I teach you about the correlation
between worldly events and changes aligns with the Biblical teaching.
Do not go another day without knowing for sure. Put God to the test.
Prove Him out by examining and testing what He's written to see if He
is true or not. Do not rely upon me or my guidance / thoughts. I am a
man and can be wrong. But God is not a man like us, and He cannot be
wrong. Jesus wants to forgive you today. Ask Him to forgive you and
escape what's coming. Do this, and you will feel the change, and you
will see the whole world from inside of new eyes. Peace, my friends.
[Jesus Loves You]